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Dry Flower Resin Art

Dried flowers are the perfect addition to any craft project. They come in a wide variety of colors and shapes and can be used as an accent to your project or they can be the main focus. If you want to create a beautiful arrangement with your dried flowers, then you should consider using resin art. Resin art is the process of embedding dried flowers into a clear resin that dries hard and clear. The result is an arrangement that looks like it was made out of glass or metal.

resin art

These crafts make your ambiance look more lively with their beauty. It can also be used for gifting and makes a perfect gift.

Here is the method of how you can preserve flowers in resin art.

Ingredients you’ll need:

  • Silicone mold
  • Epoxy resin
  • Molds
  • Mixing cup & craft sticks
  • Tweezers
  • Other additives like glitter, pearls, gold flakes, etc.
  • Dry Flowers

To start with, mix resin and hardener in equal amounts. Use different measuring cups for each part. When equivalent measures of the two sections are measured, empty them into a blending cup. Gently mix the two sections together for 3 minutes. Whenever you begin to mix, shady whirls will show up. Keep on blending until the shady twirls vanish and the combination is clear.

Now arrange dried flowers in the mold. Use tweezers to simplify the task of placement as dry flowers are delicate. Slowly pour the resin over the flowers. Fill the holder as much as possible without overflowing. Sprinkle additives over the clear resin. Allow the resin to cure as per the packaging instructions.

You can try out different shapes and sizes. The same procedure can be used for making coasters, cell phone covers, Jewelry, picture stands, flower pot holders, paperweights, wind chimes, and sun catchers.

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