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Natural Herbs To Treat Your Hair Healthily

Herbs are used in many different ways to promote good health. Some herbs are used to treat specific illnesses, while others are used to improve overall well being. Here are some herbal hair products that will leave your hair looking great! Herbal hair care is one of the best ways to keep your hair healthy. Read on to know more about these natural herbs!

Aloe Vera – This herb has been used since ancient times as an effective remedy for various skin problems. It helps to treat dry scalp and dandruff. You can use aloe vera gel or juice directly on your scalp.This herb has been used since ancient times to treat various skin ailments. It contains vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D, E, K, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, iodine, and protein. It helps to prevent premature aging and promotes hair growth.

Rosemary – This herb is known for its antiseptic properties. It also helps to prevent premature graying of hair

Rosemary oil is another popular treatment for hair loss. It contains essential oils that help stimulate hair growth. You can also apply rosemary oil to your scalp before going to bed.

Lavender oil is an excellent remedy for dry hair. It has been used as a hair conditioner since ancient times. It is rich in antioxidants and vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K.

Fenugreek – Fenugreek is an herb that’s great for hair.It increase hair growth. Fenugreek hair pack to prevent premeture aging /gray hair and promote hair regrowth.

Neem – Neem is very popular herb in Indian ayurveda. The regenerative properties of neem help in reducing hair fall. Other benefits of using neem hair pack,

  • It condition your scalp.
  • promote healthy hair growth.
  • soothe frizz.
  • temporarily seal hair follicles.
  • reduce dandruff.
  • treat head lice.
  • minimize grays.

Coconut Oil – This oil is rich in fatty acids which help to strengthen the hair follicles.

Amla -Amla is rich in Vitamin E and Vitamin C it has has vitamins and minerals and helps in increasing the blood circulation on the scalp.Few benefits of using amla hair pack,

  • It minimize grays.
  • boost volume.
  • reduce scalp dandruff.
  • promote healthy hair growth.
  • improve the tone of henna hair dyes.
  • condition your scalp.
  • treat head lice.

Henna – This herb is very useful for treating split ends and other damaged hair. Henna is also known as henna plant. It is native to India and Pakistan. It grows up to 2 meters tall. Its leaves contain tannins, flavonoids, saponin, and essential oils. These properties make it effective against dandruff and scalp infections.

You can get some natural haircare solution from BloomyBliss.

  • Neem Hair Pack
  • Currypatta Powder
  • Amla Hair Pack
  • Fenugreek Powder


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