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Why you must start a garden in your apartment

John Burroughs has said: “I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order”

The human body naturally craves walking barefoot on grass, surrounded by the bountiful trees and flowers. That peaceful feeling, the sense of contentment and being. And many of us travel to hill stations, escaping the chaos of city life, the pressure of work, just to heal a small part of oneself and unite with oneself through being in nature. But the trip didn’t last long. The feeling of peace fades as we return to our day-to-day life. You united with yourself, but that chaos you tried escaping? Turns out, it will never leave your back… 

But what if there was a solution to this? What if you could have that peace of mind, everyday, right from your small apartment! How, you wonder? It is actually very very simple and BloomyBliss is going to spill the Secret! The answer has always been right in front of you! Get a Plant! Have that dreamy garden, those beautiful flower pots you love and Bloomy bliss will tell you exactly how to do that with your small apartment or house space. 

Living on the 17th floor? We still got you! But first, It is very important to learn WHY you should plant that garden! BloomyBliss is going to get you fully convinced and ensure you make that dream of yours successful!

It absolutely changes the way you think!:

Let me start by telling you a story close to my heart! I was in 10th grade when I planted my first pot on my study table. Soon enough, I had three, the ones that needed minimal care, but still gave that momentous feeling! How did it change my life? My grades improved! And guess what? I wanted to sit at that table and study for hours! My lost discipline was restored!

Spending even a little bit of your time around nature produces drastic positive chemical reactions in your brain. While those who live in large metropolitan areas and spend little to no time in nature report more negative thoughts in general. Their approach to life becomes sketchy and they report experiencing more stress than those who spend time in nature. With just even a little bit of greenery, your cortisol levels decline, your efficiency increases and your overall mental health improves. If you get a lot of sunshine in your apartment balcony, consider planting those vibrant Marigolds, chrysanthemums, or those globe-shaped Gomphrena flowers.

The aesthetic appeal is mindblowing:

Imagine walking into a white room with only a bed. Now imagine the same room, but this time, it’s surrounded by luscious green plants and a variety of flowers. Which room would make you feel better, safer and at home? Yes, the answer is the second room. 

We are biologically programmed to sense safety in nature. Even one small plant can give you that blanket of safety and belongingness. And hence, planting house plants not only takes home decor to a whole new level, but also lends you that feeling of being united with nature! It can be as simple as planting chamomile or geranium flower seeds. They bring life and colour to any space, making it feel more inviting and vibrant. Plus, the process of arranging plants and experimenting with different pots and stands can be a fun and rewarding creative outlet. 

Some of them are not only aesthetically pleasing but can easily become your organic source to make your favourite dishes! You can easily grow chili, basil, okra etc. 

Health Benefits:

There are endless health benefits to having a small garden in your apartment. Indoor plants improve a person’s overall comfort, satisfaction, and happiness. They are mood- boosters and natural air purifiers. They absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, making the air cleaner and fresher. Certain plants, such as snake plants, spider plants, and peace lilies, are particularly effective at removing toxins.

You become the nurturer:

Having that little garden, with just a few pots and colourful flowers in your apartment balcony, gives you the supreme undeniable feeling of being a nurturer, giving you a sense of accomplishment and pride. Taking care of those little lives takes you to ground level, possibly giving you the infection of becoming a down-to-earth and a loving person.  And if you are a very busy person who still wants to be The Nurturer, consider planting Aeonium ‘Black Rose’ and Zinnia Multi-petal flowers. Believe me, the more complicated the name, the more gorgeous they are!!

The act of gardening is therapeutic. Hence, it enhances mood and can even cure anxiety and depression! You become more compassionate and kind towards your surroundings, the people and animals around you, even those pesky insects you hate.

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